This is a small scene in a T.V drama called hollyoaks. This is when a young woman who mainly plays a villian is trying to kill her dad as he has been hurting her and being rude towards her.So she decided thta she didnt want to put up with it anymore and tries to kill him by running him over.We as a group have decided to include a car crash scene in the end of our clip.This would be the big ending to the story.
- Launched on 18th january 2001
- E- stands for entertainment
- Its normally aimed at 15-35 year olds
- Its mainly known for teen dramas, dramas, comedies.
BBC 3 is a well known show that comes on after 6pm. This is because they show repeats and programmes that children shouldn't really be watching.
- BBC 3 was launched in February 2003
- The reception that they got was good as not many programmes show on this.
- Aimed at 14-36 year olds
- It normally shows real documentaries, dramas and animation comedies.
I think that this channel is quite successful. I think because Eastenders shows on BBC1 and its repeated on BBC3 at 10pm. This is good as people who miss the show can then watch it. There are many good and popular shows that show on here like Family Guy, American dad, Bad teachers, Eastenders and some girls. these are programmes that have been on for many years and some that are new to here.
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