Sunday, 28 December 2014
Ideology and Binary Theories
What examples of binary opposition can you suggest from watching this clip?
I can see that there is alot of different things going on. I can see that immigrants themselves are seen in a bad light by alot of people and that there will alkways be controversy over them. For example, some people out of the audience were saying that all they do is steal their jobs. Whereas some people see this as them as given a chance to have ajob because they werent good enough for the job. People get empolyed because they have the right skills and thats what happend here.Some people do disagree but that will always be there.the politician is there to be portryaed as a villian as they dont know whats good for us.Russel brand is seen as the good guy as he thinks that having immigrants in our country helps us.
What ideologies are on display in this clip?
I think the main ideology was alternative as immigrants are seen as bad sometimes but because we are used to it and used to hearing and seeing stories about them we dont mind.
Female gaze article
The female gaze article:
The female gaze article is about women getting offended about models using women who are sizes under 6. Western women are normally sizes 14 and above and the fact that they aren't telling the truth by using models who are really slimmer than a size 14 and this is bad as this is misconception to what women look like. Famous models like Naomi Campbell and vivienne Westwood have complained about this and something will be done about it.
In star gazing critic jackie stacey says that female looks work on different types of levels.The film that is used is " a perfect 14".
Mulveys theory differs from this one as they said that men see women in the way that they want to see them. So this could be skinny, tall, large etc. they want to show people how women actually look at different sizes and show different features. This is a good way to show people what can be shown on t.v and on magazines as women who are over size 6 arent casted as models.
My opinion is that i think that magazines should use women of different sizes as that's what women actually look like. I think that if magazines used different sizes then people would get used to the idea of how women look like and therefore see it and know that this is real.
The female gaze article is about women getting offended about models using women who are sizes under 6. Western women are normally sizes 14 and above and the fact that they aren't telling the truth by using models who are really slimmer than a size 14 and this is bad as this is misconception to what women look like. Famous models like Naomi Campbell and vivienne Westwood have complained about this and something will be done about it.
In star gazing critic jackie stacey says that female looks work on different types of levels.The film that is used is " a perfect 14".
Mulveys theory differs from this one as they said that men see women in the way that they want to see them. So this could be skinny, tall, large etc. they want to show people how women actually look at different sizes and show different features. This is a good way to show people what can be shown on t.v and on magazines as women who are over size 6 arent casted as models.
My opinion is that i think that magazines should use women of different sizes as that's what women actually look like. I think that if magazines used different sizes then people would get used to the idea of how women look like and therefore see it and know that this is real.
Friday, 12 December 2014
E4 and BBC3
This is a small scene in a T.V drama called hollyoaks. This is when a young woman who mainly plays a villian is trying to kill her dad as he has been hurting her and being rude towards her.So she decided thta she didnt want to put up with it anymore and tries to kill him by running him over.We as a group have decided to include a car crash scene in the end of our clip.This would be the big ending to the story.
- Launched on 18th january 2001
- E- stands for entertainment
- Its normally aimed at 15-35 year olds
- Its mainly known for teen dramas, dramas, comedies.
BBC 3 is a well known show that comes on after 6pm. This is because they show repeats and programmes that children shouldn't really be watching.
- BBC 3 was launched in February 2003
- The reception that they got was good as not many programmes show on this.
- Aimed at 14-36 year olds
- It normally shows real documentaries, dramas and animation comedies.
I think that this channel is quite successful. I think because Eastenders shows on BBC1 and its repeated on BBC3 at 10pm. This is good as people who miss the show can then watch it. There are many good and popular shows that show on here like Family Guy, American dad, Bad teachers, Eastenders and some girls. these are programmes that have been on for many years and some that are new to here.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
Status update
As a group we have to:
We need to additionaly research looking of teen dramas-genre specifically
Think abpout different school locations go on a recce
Try and source the frech film inspitarion
Think about actors and casting
Characters-think about propps roles
My finalised group is Alison, sophia and sarika
In the beginning there will be a montage of 3 main characters. Two girls and a boy. There will be shots of different scenes that will be happening in the clip. The clip shows one of the girls getting run over and dies. Then its starts with the girl opening her eyes and getting ready for school. Then the scene carries on in school with the girl getting pushed over and shouting at her.
We need to additionaly research looking of teen dramas-genre specifically
Think abpout different school locations go on a recce
Try and source the frech film inspitarion
Think about actors and casting
Characters-think about propps roles
My finalised group is Alison, sophia and sarika
In the beginning there will be a montage of 3 main characters. Two girls and a boy. There will be shots of different scenes that will be happening in the clip. The clip shows one of the girls getting run over and dies. Then its starts with the girl opening her eyes and getting ready for school. Then the scene carries on in school with the girl getting pushed over and shouting at her.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Video clips
Mise- en-scene
Camera- the camera on here is different as this is a trailer there are mainly quick shots of the scenes that they will be showing. But from what i can see, i could tell that there was over-the-shoulder, lon shots, medium shots, close-ups. The over-the-shoulder shots are there to create a effect and emotion on the audience.The shots have made the audience feel shocked and weary of the situations. The close-up of the girls eyes/face when shes in the car shows me that she must be an evil character who looks sweet but is devious. She ends up running someone over which is why she is evil. They wanted to do a clos-up of her face to show us how evil she can be and what emotions she could be feeling whilst acting like this.
Lighting- The lighting on this clip is difficult to see as the clip is shown quickly and the different scenes arent shown for too long.The lighting in this clip is done really well as you cans see all of the charters faces. This is called top-lighting this is meant to make the characters look more glamorous.The lighting is there as its shot in day time and as the weather isnt that great they had to have a little help form the lights as they cant use natural light.
Actors- there are many main charcters in this clip. Its hard to tell which is the main main one as its a T.V soap and whatever is in the scene at the time is the main charcters. But because my clip is a trailer it shows multiple people. This is good as people would sick of seeing the same characters day in and day out. By giving them different people it gives them a chance to choose who they like and who they dont. The characters in the clip wear normal day to day clothes.At one point a young lady who looks heavily pregnant is wearing a red dress, and red lipstick which shows that shes going out somewhere. She looks like the typical main pretty lady in the show.
Make-up- The make-up is done well. The actors dont have make-up one. But the actresses do as they have to act the part they have. The actresses have to wear make-up as they need to look good for their audience. Some of their make-up is done subtly and some you can tell that they are wearing it. This is a good thing as if the scene was for a bride to get married you would have to tell whose the bride by what shes waering and how her make-up is done.
Setting- The setting is done in many places. The setting is set outside in a make-believe place. Its done at a train station, houses/flats, pubs/clubs, outdoors etc. Its done in mnmay places as they have different characters who have different scenes to shoot at.
Editing- The editing is done quite well. As its in quick shots this shows that the ediiting was done for that effect. By having this effecxt makes the audience think that something bad is going to happen as its done in a fast pace and it create suspense.
Mise- en-scene
Camera-The camera is shot in different angles and in different ways. There is close-ups, long shots, medium shots, i think there is the 180 degree rule aswell. This is shown when they are sitting at the sofa and are talking about the girl joining the blonde girls group.They show the clip in different angles to make the audience feel involved and they try and make sure that they dont get bored.They have to make sure they are engaged with whats happening in the clip.
Lighting- The lighting is top-lighting. This is to make the charcters look more glamorous and for the audience to see them in a different light.This is so that the audience can relate to them and that they can feel part of the team and feel like they are with them.
Actors-The actors in this clip are girls. In the clip you can only mainly see girls in the video. The video shows two main girl characters then towards the end it shows a group of girls walking. The females are meant to be in school and so are wearing school uniform that typical teenagers wear it as. As they are trying to act like young teens they need to make sure that they act, speak and dress like them. This will make them look more realistic in their roles. This is so that their audience dont get confused with whats going on and if its teens that are watching the show they can relate to them.
Make-up-The make-up in this clip is done really well. As you one main character who isnt really wearing make-up and you have her "friend" sitting next to her who is wearing full faced make-up as they have differengt roles. The main charcter looks like a tom boy so she wouldnt really make-up and the girl next to her looks and acts like a girly girl and therefore feels the need to have to wear makeup. Shes bllonde too which shows that this is a typical girly girl that wears make up and gets her nails or hair done.
Setting- The setting here is done at a school. I can tell as the charcters are wearing uniform and the setting looks like formal school setting.The setting that is there is meant to be like a school setting as it would be difficlut for their audience t understand if the setting was somehwere else.
Camera- The camera shots are really smooth. It goes with the pace of the clip which is really good.There are some short shots that are being shown.There is panning, below shot, close-ups, long shots, medium shots, over the shoulder shots and birds eye view. There is some good camera shots being shown which is good as they can get all of the right aspects in place. The birds eye view is being shown in the begining as when the characters are getting out of the car one by one. This is a good technique that is not often shown in programmes.There was a below shot when a charcter was throwing an egg at the main character towrds the end of the clip. This is a an another technique that would make the viewer want to watch more.
Lighting- The lighting in this clip has got more natural light to it so not much artificial light is being shown in the clip. As this is set at a school they had to show whats going on at normal school times and set it at the right times of day.
Actors- The actors in here are the main charcters. There is a group of 4 and they are all good friends. They are there as they have a lot in common with one another and have known eachother from times before. The charcters are all dressed in school uniform so younger people would be interested in watching this programme as its a comedy and they are teens. The main charcter who is infront and got the egg thrown at him is dressed more smartly than all of his friends or the extras. This tells me that hes quite a good boy and does what hes told and tries to achieve his best in life.
Make-up- As these are male charcters there isnt much to say about make-up as meales dont wear make-up. If they are wearing make-up then its very subtle and natural.
Setting- The setting here is set a high school/sixth form. This is meant to be set at a school as they are wearing school uniform and need to be shown at their school. They have to make sure that they show this as their audeience need to be able to relate to them and be able to see where they attend.
Monday, 8 December 2014
There are different dominant characters in this task.
The different people or groups represented are:
White males/females, white-american people, old-man, teenagers
Katnis is an alternative character as she is a woman as being portrayed as a hard core, tough role model rather than being a woman by showing feminine characteristics.
The male charcter peeta is more of the dominant character as he acts like a male but acts softer. so this supports the medhurst theory.The white american people are shown as dominant. The teenagers act as alternative as they are not seen as there normal teenage roles. They are seen in different ways that we wouldnt think. They are seen to being violent and careless and most of them die.The main charcter is seen as alternative too as the main character peeta does what hes told and tries not to get into much voilence. Girls are seen as alternative as they are seen as to be strong and less caring even though its in their nature to care and be kind.The families are seen as dominant in the clip too.
The stereotypes i can see from this clip is that there is one main man and thats the older man whose in the video in clip. Older men as seen as having more power because they are older than most people. Some are seen to be respected and some are seen to be powerful. This older man looks evil and looks like he has power over most people in the clip.As hes the main person thats wy we think this. There are lots pof white american females and males which shows that typical american hollywood.The families are seen to be supporting eachother which is what normal families do in tough situations.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Research and Planning
Camera- In this scene the camera shots are used in various ways. For example, there is a longshot of the main charcters showing us what they are doing and what they are wearing. There is a medium shot which sort of zooms in to what they are saying and what there facial expressions are like.there is also a close up towards the end of the mops. they wanted to show us what was going to happen and what was going on. Then there was a clos-up of the two couple talking and messing around. We could see there facial expression and see what they were doing.
Lighting- The lighting in this clip was normal throughout. The clip showed the same lighting more-or-less through the whole scne. They wanted to show us the scene without having any different types of lighting or showing us some type of shadow. In the middle of the scene there was a different character (the boss) there was a bit of dim lighting through his room. This shows that he is a bad character as he was seen in a dark light.
Actors- The actors in this clip were a mixture of bothe men and wome. This shiws that there isnt just one gender role in theis programme but many. the actors were dressed in orange prison type clothes which tells me that they have done something wrong together as they seem to get along. They know eachother well as they were talking. But i dont think they gor prison maybe its like community service or even a job but they are dressed orange which makes a bit weary about them or what they have done.
Make-up- The makeup on the chacters are natural. You cant really tell if the women are wearng makeup or not. You can see thta as they are at work/community service the cant wear allot of makeup and by them not wearning a lot tells me that they might be hiding their actual identity.
Props- The props in this clip are the mops, clothes, setting they are in and the window. There isnt much to say about the props. There were props there for a reason as they were mopping so they would obviously need a mop.
Setting- the setting seems to be done at a quiet, isolated, plain place.Its like a formal setting maybe at a community centre or hospital. The charcters are cleaning the room and have to wait until its done.
Camera- In this clip there are many types of camera shots. You have many over-the shoulder shots, close-ups, medium shots, longshots and a pan. there was always a close-up of the woman talking to Luther. They wanted to show a close-up of to show the audience what he facial expressions are and what she is doing. There was a medium shot luther which showed us what he was wearing and doing. Towards the end there was a pan shot on luther, this showed us what he was like and what he was doing.
Lighting- The lighting in this clip was quite bright.This showed us everything. The lighting was nuetral so it wasnt bright in your face. This is good as you dont want to have bright lights in your face so you cant see anything. The light was quite sharp and showed us alot of detail withing the white room.
Actors- The charcters in here were the main chacter Luther and a woman. This showed that something must have been happing as it was only those two and they were being secret about what they were saying. Luther was wearing a smart outfit with a grey coat and he was wearing a jacket which shows that this was taken in cold weather. The lady was wearing a coat too. They are wearing browns and greys which show that there is nothing standing out in this clip
Make-up- The ladys makeup is done very natrually which shows that shes quite natrul faced and doesnt really need to wear makeup. Also shes talkig to a police/detective and doesnt need to wear bright colours or wear anything heavy. The setting itself is quite natural and doesnt isnt cluttered. Its plain white which shows they may be in a lab or an office.
Props-There arent many props in this video. You can see chairs, desks, computers etc. You can see day to day basic office work things. This tells me that they needed to be in a quite area where no one was around and be civil about what they were talking about. The work that was needed to be talked about.
Setting-the setting was quite formal and fresh.the setting was in a real life type office style. The setting is done in all white. The colour makes it quite formal and makes it more serious and creates suspense as we dont really know where they are.
Editing- The editing in this vdeo is done well. there isnt any fades or blackouts in the scene. Ther is only one when it goes to the normal programme for the advert.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Preliminary Feeedback
In our group we were all in charge of different things but still helped each other out. I was in charge of the storyboard, Sarese was in charge of the shot list and Dhruvina and Ashmita were in charge of the script. We all decided and helped each other what to write and what shots to use in each of these things. This was a good thing to do as we all contributed as much as we could. The storyboard couldn’t get done unless the script and shot list were done. So I had to wait a bit in order to complete it. We tried to match the brief as much as possible. We incorporated the 180 degree rule, shot-reverse shot and match on action. I think that next time we would keep the clip a bit longer and add a bit more of suspense. This would be better as it would make a difference to the video. We would also not swear I the video as it wasn’t really necessary.
There were a few weaknesses like not having a lot of time to do the video and getting used to the camera. This is because when we using a camera for the first time in a while we didn’t really know how to use it properly and it made the video a bit difficult and at times blurry or shaky. We didn’t have enough time to do the video. We were all on time to do the video but it was hard to get everyone together and keep it all on the ball. If we had a bit more time, I think our skills would have been shown more. We also wanted to keep the story of the clip a secret so it would build suspense. This was the first initial idea but we then decided to cut down the story so, it still kept the story a secret but we kind of just shortened it.
There were a few strengths of our video. For example, we kind of knew how to use the camera. If we never knew how to use or be around a camera we would be stuck. The people in the group I was in all had an idea on how to use a camera etc. We had a strong script. We had an idea of what we wanted to say, how to act, what the whole video idea would be. This was a good thing as we were all on the same page. Another strength was that we all helped each other as much as we could so we worked as a team. Our whole production i think was filmed well. We got a few good shots. Like over-the shoulder, extreme-close-up of a shoe, the panning was quite steady. I think that the speech in the clip was good as the people in my group spoke clearly and the facial expressions were how they were meant to be. All the shots we used were there to create suspense and emotion.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Learner response
What does the mise-en-scene suggest about the characters and events in the film?
The mise-en-scene suggests many things about the characters. The main character looks suspicious as he's wearing a hat and cant see his face which shows us he's hiding something.The other character in the beginning looks confused and calm about the situation he's in. When the suspicious guy comes he looks worried slightly.Both of the characters have a cigarette which shows me that they are known for acting hard/big as people who smoke are known for being bad etc. The main character also wears a coat which tells me that he is acting dangerous or is about to do something or is hiding something. He is hiding a gun and shoots the other main character. This shows that i had a right to be suspicious of him as his clothes and body language connotes that.
How is camera work used to introduce the two characters in the opening scene?
The camera work is used in different ways to introduce the characters into the scene. In the beginning there is a close-up of the man.This shows that they wanted to show the audience who he was and what he looked like as the other main character is hidden. They only show medium close-ups and long shots of him. This is to create tension and danger for the audience.
How does sound contribute to the atmosphere created in the opening scene?
In the beginning of the clip the sound is sort of parallel as there is a water noise in the background and it focuses on that for a couple of seconds and it then continues on the next scene. This is to create tension for the audience as they know that if a sound is continuous that something is going to happen.
How is editing used to create drama and tension in the opening scene?
In the opening scene there are mainly different shots. There are some quick shots that show us that there is going to be some fast, paced action. There is also some shadows that are created when the character is in the scene as we cant see his face and also we cant see or sense any emotions happening.This does create tension for us as we don't know who is/what he's doing.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Uses and gratifications theory
Diversion- Escape from everyday problems

This is a good one for diversion as its a T.V soap and people who are stressed or having problems would want to escape their problems and watch soaps and see what sort of drama is in the characters lives.
Personal Relationships-Using media for interactions and other emotions

Having Heat magazine helps their audience see whats happening in celebrities lives by reading instead of watching whats happening. Its another way of interacting with them and checking/understanding their emotions with them.
Personal Identity- Reflecting oursleves in text or learning behaviours and values from the media.

Step up 2 is a way that an audience would want to reflect and identify themselves with. Having the character dance and seeing what their life could be like if they won.The audience may want to try out some dancing and try and see if they live uo to the characters expectations.
Surveillance- Useful information for living.

The metro tells their audience whats going on in everyday life with the weather, holidays, sports etc. This is a way of people findimng out their information using newpapers to see whats going on.
This is a good one for diversion as its a T.V soap and people who are stressed or having problems would want to escape their problems and watch soaps and see what sort of drama is in the characters lives.
Personal Relationships-Using media for interactions and other emotions
Having Heat magazine helps their audience see whats happening in celebrities lives by reading instead of watching whats happening. Its another way of interacting with them and checking/understanding their emotions with them.
Personal Identity- Reflecting oursleves in text or learning behaviours and values from the media.
Step up 2 is a way that an audience would want to reflect and identify themselves with. Having the character dance and seeing what their life could be like if they won.The audience may want to try out some dancing and try and see if they live uo to the characters expectations.
Surveillance- Useful information for living.
The metro tells their audience whats going on in everyday life with the weather, holidays, sports etc. This is a way of people findimng out their information using newpapers to see whats going on.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Dependency Theory
What do YOU primarily use the media for: entertainment or information? (Or something else?)
I mainly use the media for entertainment. This is because i find that entertainment is more interesting than finding or listening to information that i don't want to know. When you watch T.V or read online you mainly hear about celebrities and some information about the news. I sometimes do use this for information but i mainly use it for entertainment.
2) To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
I think we depend on the media most of the time. As most of us have phones we have apps. We read newspapers, magazines. We watch T.V and we listen to music. So media is around us all of the time. Even if we dont recognise it or see it its still there.So we do depend on it alot.
3) Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years? How?
I think that our dependence has changed. As we got proper computers, music, videos+DVDs.We have now iPhones etc. So it has changed. as many people/kids would play or go on holidays and not bother watching T.V or having a phone with them. But now we all mainly have phones and watch T.V as more shows are on etc.
4) Read this Telegraph article – does this support Dependency theory? What is your personal opinion on this issue?
I think this theory is mainly right. As most of us do depend on the internet. Most of people work is on a laptop so when its down we cant get to it and also social media is important to some young people as its how they socialise with their friends or see what's going on in the celebrity world.
Friday, 14 November 2014
*Heartbeat Track*
(scene starts with a medium close up of sarese's feet walking down the stairs using a tracking shot which follows the feet down)
(straight cut to a close up of ashmita's foot tapping then medium shot of ashmita sitting with her head in her hands)
(Back to dhruvina's feet walking down and then close up shot of dhruvina's hand opening the door - straight cut to long shot of dhruvina and sarese's back walking towards the table and taking a seat)
(camera facing towards finger playing the tape - goes to dhruvinas face)
Sarese: wednesday 12 november 2014 at 11.04am. *Beep* okay so we are going to ask you some simple questions, you are obligated to cooperate.
Dhruvina: so lets cut to the chase. where were you on the 11th of november 2014 between 9.00pm-1.00am. *raises her voice* and i dont want any crap!
(camera shifts to Ashmita, she raises her head)
Ashmita: *shrugs shoulders* i dont know.
sarese: okay lets make this more simple for you to understand, WHERE WERE YOU LASTNIGHT?!
Ash: no comment
(ashmita slams the table and kicks the chair)
(scene starts with a medium close up of sarese's feet walking down the stairs using a tracking shot which follows the feet down)
(straight cut to a close up of ashmita's foot tapping then medium shot of ashmita sitting with her head in her hands)
(Back to dhruvina's feet walking down and then close up shot of dhruvina's hand opening the door - straight cut to long shot of dhruvina and sarese's back walking towards the table and taking a seat)
(camera facing towards finger playing the tape - goes to dhruvinas face)
Sarese: wednesday 12 november 2014 at 11.04am. *Beep* okay so we are going to ask you some simple questions, you are obligated to cooperate.
Dhruvina: so lets cut to the chase. where were you on the 11th of november 2014 between 9.00pm-1.00am. *raises her voice* and i dont want any crap!
(camera shifts to Ashmita, she raises her head)
Ashmita: *shrugs shoulders* i dont know.
sarese: okay lets make this more simple for you to understand, WHERE WERE YOU LASTNIGHT?!
Ash: no comment
(ashmita slams the table and kicks the chair)
Preliminary shots
Preliminary Production - Shot List.
Shot no:
Close up of 1st detective feet
| |
Detective walking down the stairs
| |
Close up of Suspect’s feet tapping in interview
| |
Other detective walking down the stairs
| |
Medium shot of suspect sitting with head down
| |
Detectives walking towards to door
| |
First detective leans to open door with card
Other detective walks in from behind
| |
Over the shoulder shot, watching both detectives walk in interview room
| |
2nd detective is holding papers
| |
long shot of detectives walking towards suspect
| |
they both sit down
| |
Suspect is looking down
| |
Medium shot of detectives of sitting down
| |
Close up of suspects face
Extreme close up od dhruvina hand turning on tape.
| |
Medium shot of sarese
| |
Medium shot of dhruvina
| |
Close up of ashmitas face when she slowly looks up
| |
Over the shoulder shot, over ashmita
| |
Close up of dhruvina shouting
| |
Log of ashmita stands up and starts shouting
| |
Last shot of black screen.
Monday, 10 November 2014
preliminary clips
This is my example of match on action clip.
They are shown doing close ups of the main things that they want us to see.The editor cuts it show the different elements.
This is my example of a shot/reverse shot
The character is shown looking at another character and the other character is shown looking back at them.
This is my example of the 180 degree rule
This is a basic guideline on where the camera has to be seen. They cant go over it and have to stay within it.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Psychographic groups
Psychographic group: Reformers
Couple: Phillip and Poppy
Phillip and Poppy both go Oxford University.
Phillip is studying crimonlogy and is a part time policeman.Poppy is studying Biology and is an aspiring doctor.
They are mostly both together in their free time and they like to go to the theatre, practice waltz dancing and like to shop in London.They also like to relax at their semi-detached house.Poppy likes to bake when her partner is at work and Phillip likes to read about sports cars.
They dont really watch T.V.But when they do they watch the documentary channels. They read the Independent newspaper and like to read daily mail online on their phones and ipads.They both own iphone 5s and both have an ipad between them.They have twitter to see whats going on around the world and what their favourite celebrities are doing.
Couple: Phillip and Poppy
Phillip and Poppy both go Oxford University.
Phillip is studying crimonlogy and is a part time policeman.Poppy is studying Biology and is an aspiring doctor.
They are mostly both together in their free time and they like to go to the theatre, practice waltz dancing and like to shop in London.They also like to relax at their semi-detached house.Poppy likes to bake when her partner is at work and Phillip likes to read about sports cars.
They dont really watch T.V.But when they do they watch the documentary channels. They read the Independent newspaper and like to read daily mail online on their phones and ipads.They both own iphone 5s and both have an ipad between them.They have twitter to see whats going on around the world and what their favourite celebrities are doing.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Media Awards
The three best productions i found that were good were:Insincere,F Block and Kacpers music video.
This was a good video as there were alot of short clips which gave the effect of things happening really fast.The voice-over was continuous throughout the clip.This made us feel that there was something bad that was going to happen and we know that the main character was the one that had an issue with the person that they were talking about.There were also black and white flashback scenes that shows us that they were memories and not recent.they showed you some close ups as well which shows that they were trying to get the emotion out on their faces as he wanted to get rid of his ex-partner.
F Block
This was also a good performance that was taken.They had good camera shots that made the scenes look realistic.The camera movement got a bit faster.they had all different types of musicians and wanted to make it a bit of a comedy.
This was a very productive and entertaining.The music that went with the video matched quite well which made it more entertaining.He used quick shots as the music was quite fast as well so he had to make sure that it went with the pace.he used high angle shots and close-ups which made it even better to watch.
Equilibrium part where the sister and the main heroine character think that nothing is going to happen and that they will stay together.
Disequalibrium is the part where the heroine has entered a new world and has to take part in different tasks and it gets harder as people turn on each other.
New equilibrium the part where they win in the end
In the beginning main woman character is the heroine as she looks and seems strong.
The hero/heroine is katniss the main female character
The princess is peta
Equalibrium is when the main two characters fall in love with eachother.
Disequilibrium is when the main female characters to go to hospital as she is ill.
New equalibrium is when the main female character dies
If the main female character dies or not.
The hero is the main male character
The princess is the main female character
Equilibrium when an middle aged couple get new neighbours.
Disequilibrium is when the middle aged couple call the police when the new neighbours asked them not to,so they betrayed their trust.
New equilibrium is when they settle things and join each other with what they do.
If they cant settle what they both do.
The main female character who is the princess and sometimes her partner.
The hero is the bad neighbour.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Cool brands
Charlotte Olympia
I really like Olympias style in the way she creates the shoes.She also creates accessories. This is based in the era of old Hollywood glamour.they like to aim at beautiful women and make sure that there brands are feminine philosophy.All of these products are hand crafted in Italy, using their finest materials.Each of the shoes are signature with a gold spider-web on the sole of the shoes.Charlotte Olympia has stores in Manhattan,Miami,Hong Kong and Dubai.This shows that she's multi-national.
I like the way they use different and organic ingredients in their ice-creams. They look good which invites their customers in.They are a successful ice cream brands that make delicate flavoured ice cream.They use the finest ingredients in their products and try to make new different flavours of ice cream.For example, bourbon vanilla,hand-crafted caramel or hand-picked raspberry from different parts of the world.They are quite expensive but worth it.
They are a brand that help people with their interior designs in their homes or buildings that they live in.They use modern/vintage designs to help come up with new ideas every time.This is based in the UK and are popular with upper class people .They make sure every customer gets the best every time as they use quality materials and have the finest ideas.I like them as they use different designs and techniques evey time and they have a modern/vintage feel to their ideas which is a good style.
Krispy Kreme
Krispy kreme doughnuts are a good as they produce really nice doughnuts that look and taste good.They use different toppings/flavours every time. They always have something to offer everyone from there signature glazed doughnuts to a strawberry dream filled doughnut.they usually sell them as dozens as they like them to have a variety of different flavours in one tray or they can pick and choose which ones they would like.there brand is always recognised as its an american like brand which Britain doesn't really have.
Aspall Cyder
They are a well-known cider brand that produce different flavours.From apple to pear to mixed berry etc.These are only just some of the products they produce.They have been around since 1728 and are still ongoing,.They have a little company in the corner of England which is a nice country side that suits them.I chose them as they are well-known around England which shows they have a trend of being in the country side.
Francios Nars is one of the most iconic image-makers in the world.He creates and various different types of styles around the world.He is very popular and his products are a bit expensive as they are a brand and he is well-known.he has over 12-pigmented lipsticks which are very popular.He is known for his lipsticks and photography. Nars continues to bring high fashion,beauty and amazing skills to fashion.
I decided to choose these brands as i think there popular and i find them interesting and good.These are brands that i have tried/wish to try later on.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
The shots
Medium close up
This shot shows us that they are trying to communicate with us through the way they are quite close.We can see that these girls are happy/find something funny as they are grinning and have their hand on their chest which shows me that the are friendly and find something funny.We can see what there wearing from the shoulders above.We can also see some of the scene in the background.
Long shot
It shows us thta we can see the whole body of the person.We can see what they are wearing, how they are standing and what they are holding and see the scene they are in.We can see that hes wearing a bold red cape with armour and holding a big hammer.When they shoot a shot like this we are meant to see everything that is going on the picture.We can see in the background other characters and we can see that he's standing on a log and that are in the woods/forest as we can see trees at the back.
Low angle
We can see their emotions as they are looking down at the camera.We can see that this character is dressed as spider man.We can see that he's holding his mask maybe hes wondering about something and is deciding about his identity.He looks worried and confused.
Extreme close up
We can see what they are looking at and see their emotions.As this character is wearing glasses we can see what they are looking at and what there eyes are showing us.We can see that he looks scared/worried as he is looking across to another person.We can see slightly that its raining in the background.We cant see his whole face but we don't need to in order to see how he's feeling.
Close up
This shows us that we can see their whole face and emotions.The colours on the character really stands out and makes her bold and pretty.The close up is meant to make us see what they look like and how their emotion is on their face.As you can see she looks happy/smirked.
Medium shot
This shows that we can see their movement and the emotions. We can see that she looks flustered and weary about what's happening.As the close up we can see thier emotion and what they are wearing. She's wearing a black coat and has bow arrows on her back.This shows me that she's hunting or doing something.

Extreme long shot
We can see what's happening from afar and see what the scenery i.You can see that there is an unkown person on a motorbike coming towards the camera.They are on a road where a train underneath them is going pass.This looks like this was shot recently in a forest/main road.
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