The advert i will be analysing is Shreddies.
Shreddies is a well known nestle brand cereal that is made from whole grain wheat.In this advert you can see a central image of a elderly woman,who seems to be posing in a smiley way and staring into the camera.The setting is in a formal elderly style .This means that elderly women/grandmas are going to be the main point of this advert. the composition of the camera is good as its showing the main person in the advert and also highlighting the other people in the background. Shes holding knitting needles which shows a stereotype of old women. they are associated with knitting and being boring.The lighting in this advert highlights the main woman and the cereal boxes.This shows that they are trying to show their product off and show the what the elderly woman is doing.The colours are very bright and friendly.The colours blues,greens and pinks show happiness,calmness and freshness,it puts a good feel to the atmosphere of the advert which is being funny.
In the background there are boxes of shreddies behind them on shelves and on the table beside the elderly woman.The other flavoured shreddies are smaller in size than the the one that they are trying to promote which is just the original shreddies. This means that maybe they want more children to go for the healthier option and go for the original flavour that is maybe not selling very well. Also in the background sitting in a line are elderly women.This advert is trying to show the elderly women making the shreddies using their knitting equipment just like the woman in the central image is.
Those boxes are different flavours of what shreddies can produce.There is chocolate,sugar coated and honey flavour.This shows that they are a brand that aren't boring and can develop more than one product yearly.They have been successful for many years and are probably going to continue doing that.They want children to attract to their products by finding the advert funny,seeing that elderly women are friendly and smiley,that the product looks tasty and inviting to them.Without a target audience they wouldnt be able to sell anything.Every child should eat breakfast and shreddies is a cereal that children may eat.
The font the words "shreddies...and your ready!" are in a friendly,bold,cartoonish font.This shows that their target audience is children.they are aiming there cereal at children and therefore need there colours,people and product to be child friendly.The logo for shreddies is the word shreddies in red font on top of splashed milk.This shows that they are trying to show them that you eat shreddies with milk-which is how you eat cereal.The slogan s is maybe trying to act like a competition.When your in a race you say "get ready" or "ready or i come" which are words that are used when children play games.So maybe they are trying to say when your ready come ad get your box of shreddies or shreddies is now ready for you to eat.The words 'you're ready' show that shreddies are trying to be competitive and tell the audience that you're ready to buy the product.Also, this shows that they are excited and happy as the word sounds exciting.
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