Friday, 20 March 2015

Plan B music video

The Ill Manors music video is a video that is quite typical of a rap/hip-hop genre. You have a gang or other members of the group, you have iconic scenery in the background and you have a lot of bass and beat to the music that is getting sung. Ben Drew is the main person in the video but as he is doing a film for this song he had to include his staff and actors into the music video so that they audience can relate to the video and get to take part in it. If the music video was aimed at Ill Manors and there were no recognition of the actors or familiar places in the video it wouldn’t have been popular and wouldn’t have made sense in a way.

There were some parts where could see some Londoner riots happening in the video. Plan B wanted to make a statement of showing the country what it was like around London at the time of the riots and what was said or done about it. Plan B wanted to make sure that this was getting across that the kids that were trying to lash out were the ones that needed help and need to be dealt with but in a way that was done properly and correctly. Many kids grow up In care homes and don’t grow up with any role models around them so whatever they see on T.V or hear about is what they look to when they need help or are stuck. It offers the audience to see and hear Plan B speak out in the way of lyrics so that people can understand and hear about it. The music video is properly done and looks like a music video. He wanted to show some iconic moments which is what he did. It does go well with the Ill Manors theme as that’s what happens. The music video helps promote the film as it looks exciting and interesting from the music video as its targeting a young audience so they would think that. The song is quite catchy so people would listen to it and then also watch the film.

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