Thursday, 22 January 2015

Ill Manors trailer

  • What are the typical codes and conventions of film trailers - what information is usually provided?
  • How are trailers distributed
  • How does the Ill Manors trailer use trailer conventions?
  • Who is the target audience? Does it have a unique selling point or use particular techniques to appeal to the audience? Consider the way the scenes are edited together – does the trailer give away any clues about the narrative? Are the main stars visible in the trailer? Is there information about the director of the film? Is there information about the release date? Is a narrator’s voice-over used? Why?
  • How has the genre of the film been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music/dialogue, camera shots/movements/angles and editing?

  • in a trailer basic information is shown. That they have the right information but make sure that alot isn't shown so that it can be intriguing for the audience that its aimed at. Its made sure that the film is shown in a short clip then sometimes reviews, and a voice over are shown and are explained. In this trailer there wasn't a clear idea of who the main character is. This could be because there isn't a an actual main character and that there are multiple people that are involved in one thing. This would make they audience feel different as there isn't a clear main character and they may feel intrigued and would want to watch it.

    Trailers are distributed in many ways. They are shown on T.V and YouTube, cinema and online websites. I think these are the main ways that a trailer is shown as they have to make sure that they are seen and heard as they wont link together. 

    Ill Manors use key conventions in varied ways. These ways are Ill Manors have a wide bad target audience. I think they are aimed at 16-27 year olds and are aimed at working class people. I think this because young teenagers would want to see a film like this even though its an 18 most younger people do get there hands on it to watch it. They are aimed at working class as when they get home form work or having a day off they can watch a urban British film that they may of have not seen. I think that it does have a unique selling point even though its the audience kind of know what's going to happen by watching the trailer as it is also a bit stereotypical they would still want to see  it as sometimes this life could come across as exciting to some part of the audience as its something they may have done, or seen people in or could have done. So they could easily relate to it. As its a trailer the clip is shown in short fast shots. This pace goes with the music as well and makes sure that its fast but you can see what's going on and can understand. This is edited really well and it looks really realistic, as its based on real life as this drugs, prostitution crime stuff does happen still. In the scenes you can see what's going on. You can see guns, drugs, prostitutes, children, gangs etc. So the narrative is clear about what's going to happen.Its clear what's going to happen as its quite obvious that they get caught or die or even seek help which is what happens.

    The genre of the film has been shown in different ways. For example, its been shown through the shots that are done. You have close-ups and medium shots of the main characters so you can see what's going on. You can see their reactions, emotions, what they say etc. The camera work is done realistically and is done well you cant tell that its low budget film.The props as well tell me what type of film this will be as they dressed like hoodrats and in typical jeans, trainers, hoodies, snap backs etc.The women are dressed provocative as they are meant to be prostitutes so they have dress like that. The music in the background that sometimes happen is a rap of what the story is about as they try to make the audience understand it.n The lighting in the film is done well. They have used mostly natural light as this was filmed at night. day time and indoors. This is good as this is British low budget film they cant have all these lights as it wouldn't work with the genre of the film. For example, if they were filming in a alley way, they couldn't have lots of light in the dark as it wouldn't work.

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