Thursday, 22 January 2015

Opinion on Ill Manors

I think that Ill Manors was a really good film. I enjoyed watching it and it was interesting as gangs and people do these kinds of things. The film was different to what i usually watch in a film. As this film was about drugs, crime, gangs and prostitutes you normally know or guess what’s going to happen or what it’s about. This is because when you see the cover you can see a young man holding a gun and kind of guess what its going to be about. Having to watch a film out of my comfort zone was good as i got to see what happens in other parts of London and maybe in the area that i live in. Having to watch this film was an eye-opener as i got see how certain people live and how they make money as most of them don’t have a job as they sell drugs or the women sell themselves. 

I think the purpose of the story is to warn us what happens in places an to people that you think are good. The owner of the pub in the story had a pub and a wife but he still went with a prostitute. This tells me that anything happens when you are involved with gangs or people like that. Some people can get away from this stuff. The young kid that wanted to act older and hang around with Marcel couldn't get away from it. He had to do what he was told otherwise he would get shot. He had to shoot the main drug dealer but instead he shot another person’s drug dealers sister and he shot the person he was told to. In the end he dies and so does Marcel. This shows that people can’t get out of these things as once you start it never ends. It goes in a circle every time. I think the actors in the film did a really good job of fitting into those characters. The film looked realistic and as it was set in London so it wasn't your typical big British film. This was done as if it was a T.V show.  They made it in this way as they didn't want it to seem like a surreal film they wanted to make sure that it was realistic otherwise it wouldn't be that realistic.

 Having a British urban drama makes it stand out from the crowd as films nowadays aren't about this kind of lifestyle. The actors played good part as Aaron (Riz Ahmed) played a good/bad boy type of role. He was a brought up in care home where his friend Ed was from. They knew each other from then. He was bad as he smoked and sold drugs and stuff but you could tell that he wanted to help and he helped by trying to save the prostitute from getting hurt, he helped the baby that he found and then he decided to move away from all of this crime when Ed died. This was different as this showed me that not all gang members or drug users can be bad, bad. They can be good sometimes. Having a good character in the film makes the audience take a step back and think about these things. I enjoyed the film overall as it’s not something that i would have thought to be interested in. It’s different to an American/British good film. As this was done on a low budget it was pretty good for how much money they spent on it. I'm surprised that this was done like this as you can’t tell that it was done on a low budget and the cast weren't known. I think that Riz Ahmed is known in a few films but they are upcoming normal people. Plan B who directed and sang the songs in the film did a good job as this was the first film that he directed and he starred in it at the end slightly. He had done a good job for a first time film.

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