Friday, 30 January 2015

Plan B TED talk

Plan B TED talk


  • Kicked out of school in yr 10
  • met people with same problems
  • had no respect for teachers, police
  • didn't listen to anyone
  • listened to underground music
  • words guided them-negative words
  • conscious hip-hop
  • change things 
  • kids killing each other -from broken families
  • alot of kids get abused
  • went on a journey 
  • decided to write an album 
  • wanted to show off different meanings 
  • ready to ,make ill manors 
  • no one would back him
  • already made a film on a small budget 
  • fund some talented kids in school
  • say that "chav" is a rude word to use against underclass people
  • media demonises young people
  • trying not to be naive.

Plan B does have many views and beliefs. He admitted that when he was younger he didn't have any interest in the government or teachers and dint like them at all. He believes that the way  he was brought up doesn't have to happen to all young children he wants to make sure that they all get chances that he never got. He believes that kids should be treated equally and fairly. He wants to  make sure that teacher and government give them these opportunities that he never got so that they can turn their life around before it get too late.he says that if people get involved and take their time to help children like this then less crime and gangs would go on.

i think that Plan B is aiming his speeches at upper class people. This is because with them knowing and having some background knowledge about the government and stuff they can help the kids that need help. they will use their money and effort to help these kids as everyone wants t live in world where they don't need to watch their back. This aimed at 20-35 year olds. This is because they will know what's going on and what type of things they can talk about and they are old enough to know what's right or wrong and help children. the film ill manors is portrayed a s a bad film but this is doesn't so that people can be aware what really goes on and how young people start from.

Plan B says that media portrays te negative sides of things. For example, if there was a story about a drug dealer accidentally giving drugs to small kid then trying to take it back and the kid falls, then in the media the drug dealer would have deliberately given the kid drugs then tried to kill him. They leave out the small details so that they can get stories and make sure that the gangs and crime is always going to be portrayed in bad ways.

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